
Standing in Solidarity.

To say we are heartbroken, to say we are devastated, to say we are angry – is not enough. We must end the killing. Rights & Democracy stands in solidarity with everyone across this country and beyond, who is rising to defend Black lives.

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Meet RAD’s 2020 Early Candidate Endorsements!

So far, 2020 is proving to be a year of tumultuous and uncertain times. We are reminded almost daily of how much is at stake in the upcoming elections. From municipal boards to the presidency, we need movement champions in office at every level of government, who will advocate for the change we so desperately need and give voice to those who have been excluded from decision-making spaces and who are most impacted by the multitude of crises confronting us.

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RAD Vermont’s Inaugural Monthly Newsletter!

Welcome to the very first RAD Vermont monthly newsletter! This year is already taking a toll on many of us – emotionally,  politically, and physically. During this new and uncertain period, RAD is shifting the scope of its work to support the needs of our communities while pushing for the structural change required to create safe, healthy, and equitable conditions for our collective future. RAD is responding to COVID-19 in our communities in a variety of ways, which you can read more about below.

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