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Top 10 RAD Highlights for 2018

Around New Year’s Eve every year, I like to reflect on the highlights from the previous year in our work. In 2018, our success was achieved by the work of dozens of incredibly hardworking staff and member leaders, strong support from hundreds of contributing members and volunteers, with the backing of thousands of supporters throughout our two states and beyond. It is not easy to choose, but here are are my top ten.

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Thanks RAD Vermont Voters!

Congratulations RAD Champions!

Winning a veto-proof majority in the House means that we’ve shifted the balance of power in our state from a pen back to the people. We have paved the way to pass bold legislation like a $15 an hour minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, tackling systemic racism, and taking real action on climate change—issues that already enjoy support by the majority of Vermonters.

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