A throwback to early, warmer days in Burlington.
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Zoraya Hightower was featured in VT Digger for her work on upcoming Burlington City charter changes – including our latest push for Just Cause Eviction on the State House steps.
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Mary Gerisch recently testified before the House Human Services Committee in defense of reproductive freedoms.
VPIRG’s Ben Edgerly Walsh discusses the evolutions necessary for the VT Climate Action Plan.
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Welcome Ed & Alison! Check out more on RAD Instagram
We’re hiring! Read more about our open positions on our website.
This February, we are celebrating leadership across our movement. We’re seeing mounting interest in running for local office and grassroots organizing in both states, and we are excited to keep growing the work of our Grassroots Leadership Academy to support, educate, and motivate movement leaders.
Within our staff, we are delighted to introduce you to our new State Directors, Alison Nihart in Vermont and Ed Taylor in New Hampshire! Both have held various leadership roles at Rights & Democracy, from helping launch campaigns and steering our electoral organizing to serving on our Board of Directors and state leadership committees. They are key voices in our movement, and we’re thrilled to be starting the year with them in these roles.
If you’ve thought about expanding your advocacy and learning more about how you can join our growing movement, consider becoming a member if you haven’t already. Our members are a key element of our electoral process through endorsements and grassroots lobbying, and we need your voice at the table. We have our first member endorsement vote of the year coming up for municipal races, so now’s the time to join!
Stay tuned for some big announcements later this month!
In solidarity,
Ali Brokenshire
Leadership Development Manager
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Want to make your voice and story heard on issues that matter to you personally and that impact all Vermonters? Join us for Vermont Lobby Day 2022, as we urge our legislators to take action this year on some top priorities to advance justice and equity in our state.
On February 16th we’ll be speaking with the people who represent us in the State House on issues ranging from housing, to public education, to environmental justice and beyond. Learn more and RSVP!
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