What Issues are Most Important to You & Your Community?


Rights & Democracy has launched an exciting listening campaign to hear from people around Vermont—of diverse backgrounds and political viewpoints.

We are interested to learn more about you and your community’s priorities for the future, like:

  • Do you worry about young people leaving small towns and rural communities?
  • Do you worry about the impact of the overdose crisis?
  • Do you worry about how people are  treated fairly?

We also ask you what we should be doing to address them so we can work with you on those issues in your community and across the state.

Take Our Community Survey!

Help us get there by taking the survey, passing it along to a friend or neighbor, and let us know if you’d like to host a forum in your community about this survey. It’s a great way to have a quality conversation about the issues that matter most to your community, and how we can solve them—together.

Once we’ve collected your responses to the survey, we will share the results as part of an updated Vermont People’s Platform.

During the November midterm election, we (and you!) will encourage local candidates who champion this People’s Platform to run for office, and win, so they can best represent the issues that matter most to you.

Once again: That link to our survey.