Rights & Democracy Endorses Bernie Sanders for President


Rights & Democracy members have overwhelmingly voted to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary. 

The announcement was released today in front of hundreds of members at Rights & Democracy’s (RAD) annual Membership Assembly and People Power Summit. 

“It is clear that the 2020 election is one that will test our democracy, our political resolve, and demand that we stand in support of human rights for everyone and a future for our planet,” said RAD Board Co-Chair Alison Nihart. 

“The members of Rights & Democracy are determined to elect a true progressive voice in November 2020 — one who can unite our country, heal our deep wounds, and usher in a new era of justice and liberation,” added RAD Board Co-Chair Amy Hathaway.

Nihart and Hathaway noted that, in this presidential campaign, voters are lucky to have not one, but two, viable progressive candidates running in the Democratic primary. And, it’s clear from the voting results that RAD members would support either of these two campaigns if they become the nominee. That is welcome news, they added, because it is up to groups like RAD to unite, rather than divide, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party through this primary process, as the stakes in this election could not be higher.

These two viable progressive candidates—Sanders and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren—have re-shaped the national conversation and reminded us that it’s empowering to talk about big, transformative ideas—like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and immigration reform. These ideas are not just aspirational, but realistic and have the potential to put our country on a more just and sustainable path.

RAD members made it clear they would support either of them in the general election, but their vote also made it clear that there was one winner and one runner up. 

“Bernie’s vision of the need for a political revolution has inspired people to run and win seats at all levels of government. This aligns with RAD’s approach to electoral politics, which we call ‘Movement Politics’, because we know our work does not end after one election or one campaign–we know the path to bold transformation requires ongoing diligence and political action through people-powered movements. Bernie knows this and has lived this truth throughout his political career,” said Hathaway. 

For decades, Bernie has been a steadfast voice of change and sticking up for those our economy and our system leaves behind and has been a steady voice for the political revolution our country, and our planet, needs to not only survive, but thrive, Hathaway noted. 

“The energy of his 2016 campaign revolutionized what’s possible in our country and now, as we head into this historic election in 2020, we stand with Bernie to finish what began in 2016 and help elect Sen. Bernie Sanders as our next President of our United States,” said Nihart.

While only one of these candidates earned our endorsement, as an organization RAD looks forward to working with both of them long after the election, whether they occupy the Oval Office or the US Senate, to bring about the change our communities deserve.