NH Resources & Support Communities for COVID-19


With the rapidly changing COVID-19 crisis, many in our community may be challenged with food insecurity, lack of access to childcare, loss of income due to quarantine, the need to care for family members, and/or school and work closures. This is a time when we must pull together as a community and support each other.

RAD has assembled the following information in an effort to provide a list of general resources, health information, and ways for community members to help respond to this evolving situation. We appreciate your help in creating this information hub. Please contact Annie Schwartz at [email protected] with additional links and resources.

There is a lot of information being circulated, so it is important to familiarize yourself with COVID-19 symptoms and the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.

Here is the NH Department of Health & Human Services COVID-19 state resource page, which features live community updates.

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as a cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.





Mutual Aid for Local Resources

These are aid requests and resource forms to alleviate and inform local communities.

Other Mutual Aid sources:










Rights & Democracy is taking steps as an organization to help “flatten the curve.” To date, we are:

  • Encouraging staff to stay home if they or someone they care for is sick;
  • Closing our offices, and asked staff to work from home;
  • Giving staff the day off, this Friday, March 20th, to help them accommodate these work changes;
  • Encouraging staff to use technology to attend and host meetings and events;
  • Cancelling all in-person RAD events and meetings – chapter meetings and issue events – until further notice;
  • Encouraging staff to limit their travel; and,
  • Expanding our teleconference and video conferencing capacity and knowledge.


We are urging Gov. Chris Sununu to take additional measures to protect the most vulnerable and to support all those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As our communities brace themselves for the impacts of the coronavirus crisis, Rights & Democracy has been working with our allied organizations in both New Hampshire and across the country to provide information, mobilize community resources, and support mutual aid efforts.

By signing this petition, you will uplift the grassroots work of thousands and help to ensure that all of our community members are supported during these difficult times.