With the rapidly changing COVID-19 crisis, many in our community may be challenged with food insecurity, lack of access to childcare, loss of income due to quarantine, the need to care for family members, and/or school and work closures. This is a time when we must pull together as a community and support each other.
RAD has assembled the following information in an effort to provide a list of general resources, health information, and ways for community members to help respond to this evolving situation. We appreciate your help in creating this information hub. Please contact Annie Schwartz at [email protected] with additional links and resources.
There is a lot of information being circulated, so it is important to familiarize yourself with COVID-19 symptoms and the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.
Here is the NH Department of Health & Human Services COVID-19 state resource page, which features live community updates.
If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as a cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.
- NPR has free coverage running 24/7 coverage of COVID-19. You can download the app for free, listen on your phone, laptop, or wifi speakers.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) is providing up to date information regarding the global outbreak and health guides.
- The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is providing live information regarding the US outbreak and health guides.
- The NY Times provides an excellent guide to stocking your kitchen and knowledge around basic food preparation during COVID-19.
- Crust and Crumb in downtown Concord is providing free lunches to school aged children. See here for more details.
- The NH Food Bank.
- Gather for a Hunger Free Community is providing hunger relief in the Seacoast region.
- UNH has compiled an interactive food access map to connect communities to free or low cost food, volunteers, and locations where donations can be accepted.
- End 86 Hours of Hunger puts nourishing food in the hands of school children to carry them through the weekend. Each bag of food costs $10 each week and provides two breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners for a child. You can reach out to them, with services covering nearly all of southern New Hampshire, by clicking this link.
Mutual Aid for Local Resources
These are aid requests and resource forms to alleviate and inform local communities.
- Manchester: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nsTIfaqbvnq_7d1mUei_8JJNULiWpmmcfk9kTa-gGGI/edit?usp=sharing
- Concord: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RfzxS7ywdWXew4Z9aKjS6eQl7CiJsrofMVG7gyYkLvE/edit?usp=sharing
- Seacoast: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11k8bJ3ipHBWEJFHTlLeHsUAAqVXkjJ0AQeOTfa9zkNQ/edit?usp=sharing
- Monadnock: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/146HRAuwGWG9zIEliuV0uc1UK2xCC1NwKx_Hu-WxXiC8/edit?pli=1#gid=1727309836
- Upper Valley NH & VT: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1byDxDvT_h-oXMySCRgM3mDDZ_NmaXWSvvp8A3WKoLYk/viewform?edit_requested=true
- Lakes Region; while this may not be a Mutual Aid page, this Google Form is assembled in similar spirit to help aid aging communities in the area.
- The Sullivan County RAD Chapter has created a Google Form in the spirit of Mutual Aid to connect volunteers and collect need requests.
Other Mutual Aid sources:
- This is a coronavirus resource kit in the spirit of mutual aid put together by movement groups and is currently circulating.
- Here’s a list of demands from Transformative Spaces you can make to our government regarding their response.
- The CDC has prepared a guide for businesses and employers.
- NH Division of Health: Bureau of Infectious Disease guide for employers.
- File for unemployment in NH here.
- COVID-19 Resources for NH Schools.
- OSHA guide to prepare workplaces.
- Information on the Federal CARES Act from the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute.
- Statement on COVID-19 from AA Area 43 Chair
- Live NA updates and resources for NH
- You can still attend meetings online. This is the directory for the AA Online Intergroup.
- For those currently using substances, see The Yale Program in Addiction Medicine Guidance on the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The Drug Policy Alliance COVID-19 Resource List.
- The US Dept. of Health & Human Services: Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration is providing guidance and resources to assist individuals, providers, communities, and states across the country.
- Sunshine Behavioral Health has an incredible amount of resources on their website, including telehealth and mental health resources for this in recovery.
- Addiction Center has a comprehensive list of addiction resources and support tools, both locally and nationally.
- NH AA Hotline: 800-593-3330
- NH NA Hotline: 888-624-3678
- Yoga with Adriene offers online free yoga classes.
- Go outside when you can, social distancing doesn’t require you stay inside at all times.
- Call, Facetime, Zoom, text family and friends. Avoid social visits as much as possible.
- If you’re worried about self-isolation in a dangerous home situation, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, text 1-800-787-3224.
- Better Help offers online, licensed therapy for those who are seeking extra support during this time. You can find out more through this link.
- The International OCD Foundation has compiled a list of resources for OCD and related disorders community to help affected individuals handle the COVID-19 outbreak.
- On top of physical health, mental health is of utmost priority for senior populations in New Hampshire. Widespread problems of isolation, loneliness, and anxiety are only exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. Here’s a comprehensive and excellent guide to mental wellness for seniors during COVID-19.
- For parents, here’s an overall guide to wellness and helpful resources during COVID-19.
- The Human Rights Campaign Direct Online and Telehealth Resources for LGBTQIA+ Youth
- Donate blood. The FDA has raised concerns about a blood shortage as donation drives are cancelled.
- The NH Food Bank.
- Gather for a Hunger Free Community.
- End 86 Hours of Hunger puts nourishing food in the hands of school children to carry them through the weekend. Each bag of food costs $10 each week and provides two breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners for a child. You can donate to them by clicking here.
Rights & Democracy is taking steps as an organization to help “flatten the curve.” To date, we are:
- Encouraging staff to stay home if they or someone they care for is sick;
- Closing our offices, and asked staff to work from home;
- Giving staff the day off, this Friday, March 20th, to help them accommodate these work changes;
- Encouraging staff to use technology to attend and host meetings and events;
- Cancelling all in-person RAD events and meetings – chapter meetings and issue events – until further notice;
- Encouraging staff to limit their travel; and,
- Expanding our teleconference and video conferencing capacity and knowledge.
We are urging Gov. Chris Sununu to take additional measures to protect the most vulnerable and to support all those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
As our communities brace themselves for the impacts of the coronavirus crisis, Rights & Democracy has been working with our allied organizations in both New Hampshire and across the country to provide information, mobilize community resources, and support mutual aid efforts.
By signing this petition, you will uplift the grassroots work of thousands and help to ensure that all of our community members are supported during these difficult times.