When we launched the New Hampshire People’s Platform on the first day of the 2019 legislative session, we pledged to work on issues that a majority of Granite Staters care about, including affordable health care, a stronger public education system, more rights for workers, and a healthy environment for future generations.
Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Can you take action on an issue you care about this week?
Top 3 recommended actions:
1. Strengthen public education:
As the state budget process nears its final stages, we must continue to remind our representatives of the need to pass the budget with increased funding for public education AND the need for an independent school funding study commission.
2. Move us forward on sustainable energy & climate:
Five important energy bills are in committee this week. Please email the Energy & Natural Resources committee members and ask for their support of HB 365, HB 166, HB 156, HB 183, and HB 496:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. [email protected]
3. Stop criminalization of marijuana:
We have long needed HB 399 which decriminalized some forms of marijuana possession and establishes a procedure for the annulment of arrests for small amounts of possession. Email the Senate Judiciary committee members and ask them to support HB 399:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
More bills that matter:
Health Care for All
Tuesday, April 2, 2:30 PM, Health and Human Services, Room 101, LOB
HB 692, relative to dental care for Medicaid recipients. This bill requires the Medicaid managed care program to provide dental benefits to people they cover.
Public Education:
Monday, April 1 and Wednesday April 3 Finance, Rooms 210-211, LOB, 10:00 AM Executive session on the state budget.
Continue to remind legislators of the need for public education funding to be included in budget, and also for the need for an independent school funding study commission.
Energy & Climate:
Energy and Natural Resources, Room 103, SH
Tuesday, April 2, 9:00 AM HB 365, relative to net energy metering limits for customer generators.
Tuesday, April 2, 10:00 AM HB 166, relative to funding energy efficiency programs.
Tuesday, April 2, 10:20 AM HB 156, establishing a commission to study the establishment of a state department of energy.
Tuesday, April 2, 10:40 AM HB 183, establishing a committee to study the application of microgrids in New Hampshire, and changes in law necessary to allow for microgrids in electrical supply.
Tuesday, April 2, 11:00 AM HB 496, establishing a committee to identify the requirements needed to commit New Hampshire to a goal of at least 50 percent renewable energy for electricity by 2040.
Criminal Justice Reform:
Tuesday, April 2, 9:00 AM, Judiciary, Room 100, State House, Executive session on pending legislation. This will include HB 455, repealing the death penalty.
Tuesday, April 2, 9:50 AM HB 518, Judiciary, Room 100, State House, repealing certain statutes concerning reimbursement of cost of care by inmates. This would repeal the so-called “pay to stay” statute that allows the state to charge prisoners for their incarceration.
Tuesday, April 2, 10:30 AM HB 399, Judiciary, Room 100, State House, relative to annulment of arrests of convictions of a certain quantity of marijuana. This bill establishes a procedure for annulment of arrests or convictions for possession of small amounts of marijuana where the offense occurred before September 16, 2017.
Gender justice
Health and Human Services, Room 101, LOB
Tuesday, April 2, 1:00 PM HB 446, relative to initiating amendments and corrections to birth certificates. This bill provides a procedure for an individual to obtain a new birth certificate to reflect a change of gender.
Gun Violence Prevention:
HB 564, relative to possession of firearms in safe school zones.
**The above info was compiled with major help from American Friends’ Service Committee’s weekly State House Watch email, published by Arnie Alpert and Maggie Fogarty. Thank you AFSC!